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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cosmetic Workers Suffer Exposures at Work

Nail salon workers are now reporting an increase in symptoms frequently sought in serious occupational exposure claims. In a series of news articles appearing in West coast publications, it has been reported that nail salon workers have been exposed to hazardous chemicals in cosmetic products.

Increasing evidence has become available that reflects that cosmetic workers had been exposed to hazardous and carcinogenic substances, in an unregulated environment, for prolonged periods of time, that may result in occupational asthma conditions and even breast cancer.

"Every day, nail salon workers are exposed to a wide array of carcinogenic chemicals," said Migden, a San Francisco Democrat chair of the Senate's Labor and Industrial Relations Committee. It has been reported that some of the substances used in US salon have been banned already in Europe.

The American Public Health Association will be holding some additional seminars on this subject this fall directed their attention to increase cancers that have been reported by former cosmetic workers. The APHA reported that 15% of the salon workers that were surveyed presented with complaints similar to asthma, eczema, and hives and 30% claimed they had hay fever.

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