President Barack Obama will movethis week to increase the transparency of U.S. federalcontractors pay practices regarding men’s and women’s earnings,according to a White House official. Taken in coordination with the planned consideration oflegislation in the Democrat-led Senate aimed at eliminating paydisparities between men and women, the two executive actionsmark the latest push by the White House to emphasize “equalpay” proposals. Obama and his fellow Democrats have seized on equal pay asan issue ahead of November’s state and congressional elections,seeking to give a boost to low-income workers whose pay hasstagnated following the recession. Obama is using executiveorders as legislation in Congress, such as a bill to increasethe federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from $7.25, stalls. Obama will sign an executive order to do away with ‘gagrules’’ that prevent individuals working on contract for thegovernment from discussing pay with one another, according tothe White House official. It would prohibit federal contractorsfrom retaliating against employees who discuss theircompensation. In a second action, Obama will instruct the LaborDepartment to draft rules requiring contractors to provide paydata by sex and race -- a proposal akin to the Senate measurescheduled for consideration this week. Obama will use his actions to call on Congress to pass thebill, which is known as the “Paycheck Fairness Act,”... |
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