Saturday, July 28, 2007

Deadline Extended for World Trade Center Responders and Volunteers to Register for Workers' Compensation Benefits

Deadline Extended for World Trade Center Responders and Volunteers to Register for Workers' Compensation Benefits
Workers' Compensation Board Chair Donna Ferrara applauded the New York State Legislature and Governor Eliot Spitzer for giving World Trade Center responders until August 2008 to file the paperwork needed to claim workers' compensation benefits if they become ill in the future.

"Those who responded to the 9/11 disaster as workers or volunteers have another year to let us know they were on site," Ferrara said. "We want to make sure they preserve their eligibility should they become ill in the future. I congratulate the Legislature and Governor Spitzer for their swift action in passing and signing into law this very important legislation."

The law (S.4067/A.4940), which went into effect July 3, 2007, allows people who worked or volunteered at the World Trade Center to register with the Workers' Compensation Board and reserve the right to claim benefits if they become ill at a later date. It amends workers' compensation law §162 by giving those who participated in the rescue, recovery and clean-up until Aug. 14, 2008, to file a WTC-12 form.

While it is unclear how many people participated in the rescue, recovery and clean-up of the World Trade Center, more than 19,000 people have filed a WTC-12 form, registering as responders and volunteers.

For more information, or to download a copy of the form, visit

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