Sunday, February 8, 2009

CMS May Participate in Conferences to Discuss Mandatory Reporting

CMS has announced that it will consider participating in conferences to address mandatory reporting requirements and their implementation. It is accepting email requests at

The requests must include the following information:

-Conference Name/Title.
-Contact Person for the CMS Participation Request: Name/address/telephone/email.
-Sponsoring Organization: Name/address/telephone/email.
-Date(s) and Time(s) of Conference.
-Location of Conference: City/State.
-Approximate Number of Conference Attendees.
-Conference Topics: Please attach a draft agenda for the conference if available.
-Target Audience for the conference: Please be as specific as possible (for example, plaintiff attorneys, defense attorneys, insurers, third party administrators, risk managers, etc.).
-Scope of CMS participation requested: CMS needs to know whether audience interest is expected to be directed at Group Health Plan (GHP) related reporting issues as well as Liability -Insurance (including Self-Insurance), No-Fault Insurance, and Workers’ Compensation reporting issues or is expected to be more focused on some subset such as Workers’ Compensation reporting issues.
-Is the event open to the public?

CMS plans to respond within two weeks of the submitted request.

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