Thursday, February 4, 2010

Requesting a CMS Overpayment Waiver For Hardship

In conjunction with the enhancement of Section 111 mandatory reporting,  The Medicare Secondary Payment Contractor (MSPRC) has defined a 13 step process to collect overpayment from beneficiaries. Once post demand correspondence is issued, interest accrues on the overpayment if a full refund is not received within 60 days. If the full refund is not received after 120 days a case is referred to the US Treasury for collection.

In certain situations the beneficiary may have a financial hardship which could reduce or entirely eliminate the repayment request. In such circumstances a waiver request may be made by the beneficiary. The Social Security Administration (SSA) form number SSA-632 must be completed and submitted in a timely fashion. The beneficiary must advise SSA of the factors concerning the alleged hardship and then make a complete financial disclosure to SSA.

To read more about the Medicare Secondary Payer Act and workers' compensation  click here.