Saturday, March 13, 2010

NJ Unemployment Worse Than Previously Estimated

NJ has released revised statistics reflecting than 2009 unemployment rates were worse than previously reported.

"New Jersey employers continued to trim payrolls in January as total employment fell by 9,100 jobs over the month. The state's unemployment rate for January fell by 0.1 percentage point to 9.9 percent.  The national rate was 9.7 percent for the month.

"In addition, the results of the annual benchmarking adjustment process - conducted each year at this time by every state - showed that the previously announced seasonally adjusted job loss from December 2008 to December 2009 of 90,100 was revised lower to reflect a loss of 114,100 jobs. New Jersey's over-the-year percentage loss of -2.9 percent was slightly better than the nation's -3.6 percent loss (-4.8 million jobs). Moreover, during the recession, December 2007 - December 2009, New Jersey has lost 228,300 jobs (-5.6% vs 6.1% nationally).

"Labor force estimates also were revised for 2009 and the state's revised 2009 unemployment rate averaged 9.2 percent, fluctuating within a wide range of 7.3 to 10.0 percent. The nation's unemployment rate averaged 9.3 percent in 2009.

Click here to read more about workers' compensation and economic recessions.