Friday, June 25, 2010

How to File a Gulf of Mexico Incident Claim

The Deepwater Horizon Unified Command has established the following process for submission of Deepwater Horizon incident claims.

BP has established an Online Claim Form as well as a Claims Line for oil spill-related claims.  
Online Claim forms are available in three languages:
The toll-free number for the claims line is 1-800-440-0858. The line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Personnel at the Claims Line will provide each caller with information on how to submit a claim.
  • Each claim will be assigned to an adjuster and the claim will promptly be investigated and evaluated.
  • Larger and more complex claims may require additional investigation and documentation prior to evaluation and resolution.
  • BP will pay resolved claims promptly. 
BP takes responsibility for responding to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We will clean it up. BP has established a robust process to manage claims resulting from the Deepwater Horizon Incident.
BP will pay all necessary and appropriate clean-up costs.
BP is committed to pay legitimate and objectively verifiable claims for other loss and damage caused by the spill – this may include claims for assessment, mitigation and clean up of spilled oil, real and property damage caused by the oil, personal injury caused by the spill, commercial losses, including lost of earnings, profit and other losses as contemplated by applicable laws and regulations.
Additionally, BP has established several claims offices along the Gulf Coast. The office hours are from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day. BP has posted a video about the claim center on their Web site: click here to watch the video.
For more detailed information regarding BP claims process, click here
Federal disaster assistance information: 
Individuals and businesses looking for information on how to obtain Federal assistance for dealing with the impacts of the current oil spill should visit Before applying for Federal assistance, individuals should first make a claim with the responsible parties. See information on this page above for that process. includes information on the types of Federal assistance that individuals and businesses can apply for such as nutrition programs, business disaster loans, temporary assistance for needy families and unemployment insurance.
Click on the oil spill box at the top of the homepage to take you to a page with oil spill specific information. Individuals seeking oil spill related assistance should not use the registration function at this site, but should follow the instructions laid out on the oil spill specific page instead.
Claims Office Locations
New Orleans, La.
4375 Michoud Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70129