Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dean Emily Spieler Requests Congress to Review The Workers' Compensation Disability Rating System

In recent testimony before the Subcommittee on Workforce Protections Committee on Education and Labor U.S. House of Representatives, Emily A. Spieler, Dean of the Northeastern University Law School, requested further investigation to develop a new rating system for workers compensation claims.

Dean Spieler reviewed current difficulties with the current AMA Guides 6th ed. She stated,
"I urge that you ask the National Academies of Science / Institute of Medicine to conduct a review. This review should include recommendations regarding the best way to develop a new system for rating workers’ injuries as measured by the impact of those injuries and diseases on the extent of permanent impairments, limitations in the activities of daily living, work disability and nonwork disability (or noneconomic losses)."

Click here for complete testimony.