Saturday, January 22, 2011

Out of State Medical Treatment Allowed By Workers Compensation Court

An employer is required to provide medical care, including surgery and followup care, to an employee even if the employee leaves the state within two days of an initial surgical intervention. Chubb Insurance was ordered to pay for medical care, including subsequent surgery, when an employee was required to leave the state for a family emergency.

The court held that the failure of the employer/insurance carrier to provide medical care for out-of-state treatment, even though requested by the employee, was deemed a refusal of the employer to provide adequate medical care to cure and relieve the worker of the work related injury. The employer/insurance company was ordered to pay for out-of-state medical care.

Ham v. Anchor Glass Container Corporation, Docket No. A-1797-09T3, Decided January 20, 2011 Not Reported in A.3d, 2011 WL 166206 (N.J.Super.A.D.)