Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Distinguished Author About Asbestos Dangers Seeks to Save His Archives

Paul Brodeur, author of many articles concerning the dangers of environmental hazards including asbestos, and the award winning book, Outrageous Misconduct-The Asbestos Industry on Trial, is fighting with the New York City Public Library to save his research. A recent article in  The New York Times describes that the library will not return all of Brodeur's materials.

Brodeur, the former investigative reporter for The New Yorker magazine, donated his research to the library 18 years ago. The library recently reviewed the material, and only wishes to keep some, and not all, of the boxes of materials that Brodeur donated. When Brodeur requested that the entire collection be kept intact, but the NY library offered to return only what it declined to accept, and if not taken back will destroy the remaining items. 

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