
(c) 2010-2025 Jon L Gelman, All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

OSHA Announces Photo Contest

What's Your Image of Workplace Safety and Health?

In celebration of our 40th anniversary, OSHA announces the Picture It!: Safe Workplaces for Everyone photo contest. The contest challenges anyone with a passion for photography to capture an image of workplace safety and health and share it with OSHA. The goal of the contest is to kick off a national collaboration that relies on your talent, imagination and creativity to raise awareness of workplace safety and health. You can interpret "image of workplace safety and health" in any way you choose; you are not restricted to particular subjects or themes.

Judging Criteria

Prizes will be awarded for the most outstanding portrayals of occupational safety and health in terms of artistic value and ability to raise awareness of safety and health to the general public. Specifically, photographs will be judged against the following criteria:
  • Quality of photograph
  • Suitability for possible use in OSHA publications
  • Clarity of the safety and health information (or "message") conveyed
  • Originality
  • Creativity
  • Inclusion of worker, employer, or workplace imagery
The open submission period for the OSHA Picture It! Safe Workplaces for Everyone photo contest will run from May 2, 2011, until 11:59 p.m. Friday, August 12, 2011.