Saturday, July 30, 2011

National Analysis of Workers Compensation Medical Benefits

The just published, Issue 3 of the Workers’ Compensation Resources Research Report (WCRRR) provides 23 years of information on cash benefits, medical benefits, and total (cash plus medical) benefits per 100,000 workers for up to 47 jurisdictions each year. Workers’ compensation benefits per 100,000 workers varied significantly nationally over these years. 

In the most recent six years, total benefits per 100,000 workers increased by less than one percent in two years and declined in the other four years. There also typically are wide differences among jurisdictions in the generosity of benefits in a particular year. In 2007, for example, total benefits per 100,000 workers were more than fifty percent about the national average in five states and more than fifty percent below the national average in one jurisdiction. Over the 23 years, the differences among states have narrowed for cash benefits, medical benefits, and total benefits, although the differences among states in medical benefits have increased since 1998. 

The WCRRR is edited by John F. Burton, Jr. Additional information about Issue 3 and an order form are available at
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