Monday, August 1, 2011

Why is the US Still in the Asbestos Business?

The US still has not banned asbestos. The recently released US Geological Survey just published the latest statistics reporting that 1,040 metric tons of asbestos, a know carcinogen and the cause of mesothelioma, a rare and fatal disease, was consumed in 2010 in the US. Roofing products account for about 72% of US consumption and other applications 28%.

Where does it come from? Our northern neighbor, Canada. Asbestos has not been mined in the US since 2002. The US imports 99% of the asbestos it consumed from Canada. In fact the US consumed 1,040 metric tons in 2010 which was an increased from 869 metric tons in 2009. 

If Congress really wanted to improve the health of both its citizens and the economy, it would take appropriate action to ban asbestos in the US. 

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