Monday, November 28, 2011

Fallout From The Failure of Super Committee May Cascade Into Workers Compensation Medical Delivery

USA Today Poll

The failure the Congressional Super Committee to reach an agreement on debit reform may result in a major readjustment of the Medicare premium system. That change, will possibly be a merger of the two ends of the political spectrum and result in a Newt Gingrich type privatization of the funding of medical delivery. 

Similarly, and consistent with the Gingrich plan, the soaring medical costs of workers' compensation will need to be addressed. Lacking a more creative innovation from the workers' compensation arena, the changes may result in the peeling off of medical benefits from the workers' compensation menu and making it an a la carte item with deductibles as side dishes.

Read the article  Support Builds for a Plan to Rein In Medicare Costs by Robert Pear (

"WASHINGTON — Though it reached no agreement, the special Congressional committee on deficit reduction built a case for major structural changes in Medicare that would limit the government’s open-ended financial commitment to the program, lawmakers and health policy experts say."