Friday, January 6, 2012

Huntsman Steps Up To Reform Workers' Compensation

John M. Huntsman, the Republican presidential dark-horse candidate from Utah, has his own agenda on attacking workers' compensation and disability benefits. Endorsed today by The Boston Globe, campaign spectators will need to keep a watchful eye on the race as the workers' compensation system is now becoming a major target of Presidential reform without a new substitute system in sight.

Read more about the platform of Jon M. Huntsman:  Morning Feature: To Create Jobs, Subsidize Labor

"Huntsman says his plan is revenue neutral, so who would pay to subsidize investors? He says he’ll pay for it by eliminating deductions and loopholes. While some of those are corporate goodies that many progressives would like to see gone, Huntsman would also take away deductions and credits that help low- and middle-income families, such as exclusions on primary income Social Security benefits, veterans pensions and disability benefits, military combat pay, workers compensation payments, public assistance benefits, and employer-paid health insurance..."

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