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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Law School's Roll in Workers' Compensation Law To Be Discussed

At the American Bar Association Midwinter Seminar & Conference, Co-sponsored by Tort, Trial and Insurance Practice Section and the Labor Law Section of the ABA, members of The College of Workers' Compensation Lawyers will present a special panel discussion addressing the issue of teaching workers’ compensation in the nation’s law schools. All of the panelists have experience as adjunct professors teaching workers’ compensation. The program is scheduled March 8-12, 2012 in San Antonio, Texas. They will review how many law schools are featuring a workers’ compensation course, how the panelists teach the subject, and they will also provide advice on how to lobby a law school to initiate such a course. The College members will be accompanied by a special guest from Texas, workers’ compensation hearing officer Hon. Patrice Squirewell-Jean, who has taught as an adjunct at Thurgood Marshall School of Law/Texas Southern University.

The College of Workers' Compensation Lawyers has been established to honor those attorneys who have distinguished themselves in their practice in the field of workers' compensation. Members have been nominated for the outstanding traits they have developed in their practice of twenty years, or longer, representing plaintiffs, defendants, serving as judges, or acting for the benefit of all in education, overseeing agencies and developing legislation.

To read more about the conference click here.