Monday, January 9, 2012

On-Star To Predict Type & Extent of injuries

English: Logo of General Motors Corporation. S...Image via WikipediaWorkers' Compensation is all about the results of injuries and new technologies may assist in evaluating claims and expediting treatment and awards. On-Star, the integrated system of General Motors (GM) that provides immediate reporting of accidents has announced that it will taking the next in the future. It will integrate the reporting system with data from the Centers for Disease Control and provide prediction data on the type and extend of injuries. 

Expanding internationally, Shanghai OnStar Telematics Service Co., Ltd will officially provide vehicle safety telematics service for the vehicles manufactured and sold by SGM in China. These services will include the Crash Automatic Resort Service, Emergency Rescue, Remote Door Unlock, Turn-By-Turn Navigation and Vehicle Condition Reports, etc.

Click here to read more:  GM OnStar will initiate the service of “Injury Prediction”
"The president of the OnStar claimed that: “the Injury Prediction service is a good substitution to the injury description by the vehicle owner who is injured seriously. This technology plays a part of virtual witness in the accident site. What is even more surprising is that the traffic accident and injury information acquired by this service is far more accurate than what is dictated by the witness. It is said that OnStar is going to officially provide this service from next year."
For over 3 decades the Law Offices of Jon L. Gelman  1.973.696.7900 have been representing injured workers and their families who have suffered occupational accidents and illnesses.