Monday, February 27, 2012

Enter Jeb Bush: Gingrich on Work Comp Now an Issue

Ann Coulter at the 2004 Republican National Co...Image via Wikipedia
Ann Coulter at the 2004 Republican National Convention
The Republican presidential primary is now moving workers' compensation up on the issue ladder. Today, Ann Coulter, a conservative columnist on the Fox New Channel,  attacked Newt Gingrich  on his proposal to employ child janitors and opposition to a workers' compensation system and also attacked Jeb Bush on his pro-immigration policy.

Coulter, who is supporting Mitt Romney,  remarked that the candidates should stop "appealing to people's fear and emotions." She commented that the nomination of Jeb Bush would be an embarrassment to the Republican party and is pro-amnesty for illegal aliens policy was not conservative enough.

On the other hand, she failed to mention that Mitt Romney planned to cut benefits to the disabled. So the choices are pretty poor for injured workers. Whether the Republicans  directly or indirectly attack benefits for injured workers, it is quiet apparent that workers' compensation will be a prominent issue for the 2012 presidential campaign.