Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Milestone for Workers' Compensation

Today, marks a significant milestone for this blog. It has had over 250,000 page views. When I launched it about 4 years ago, I wasn't really sure how much interest readers would have in the developments and trends of a system that was almost a century old. 

Community involvement has been very instrumental in making the effort successful. I am very grateful to our readers and  the large number of outstanding guest bloggers who have contributed to reaching this milestone. 

Our current analytics reflects that there is a strong interest in the health and safety of workers, and the benefit system know as workers' compensation. It exists every single jurisdiction in the nation, and around the globe. The spectrum of story interest is as widely diverse as the multitude of programs in existence. 

It is very encouraging to know that the expanding readership base has a growing concern about worker's health and safety. Hopefully, as workers' compensation programs continue to mature and develop, there will also remain a strong desire to create a healthier work environment. Hopefully this blog can continue to provide a forum for creative ideas.