Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chamber of Commerce Attempts to Injure Asbestos Victims Further

Deadly Asbestos
The US Chamber of Commerce is now trying to take privacy rights of asbestos victims and their families. After Industry knowingly exposed millions of innocent workers, and their families to deadly asbestos fiber for purely economic greed, they now want to add insult to injury by requring the bankruptcy court to publicly disclose their settlements.

Asbestos has been a known carcinogen for decades. Not yet banned in the US, exposure to asbestos is has been causally linked to: asbestos, lung caner and mesothelioma.

The indiscriminate manufacture and use of asbestos fiber in the US, and worldwide, has resulted in an epidemic of workers' compensation claims throughout the US, and the longest running tort claims in the nations' history. Millions of innocent asbestos victims, and their families, have suffered unfortunate illness and needless illness and death.

The US Chamber of commerce is actively supporting in the US Congress,  and in state legislatures, laws to require disclose of private settlements made in asbestos bankruptcy claims. While the Federal law is pending in Congress, the state legislation is actively being advanced.

See H.R.4369 Furthering Asbestos Claim Transparency (FACT) Act of 2012

Click on this link to registered your OPPOSITION to the legislation.

Read more about "asbestos"
Nov 29, 2012
Fitch Ratings estimates industry asbestos reserves to be deficient by $2 billion to $8 billion at year-end 2011. Asbestos reserves make up approximately 4% of total property/casualty industry reserves with approximately 50% ...
Nov 14, 2012
In an effort to protect workers and public from deadly asbetsos fiber, the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan has now mandated that builings containing asbestos fiber be publically listed and the list published to the Internet.
Nov 08, 2012
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Nov 04, 2012
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