Monday, February 11, 2013

Jobs, Growth & Universal Healthcare

Robert Reich, in a 3 minute video, states the reasons why jobs, growth and universal healthcare are needed to expand the US economy. 

This is reflective of the issues plaguing the nation's workers' compensation system, especially soaring medical delivery costs (administrative, clinical and pharmaceutical).  

Read more about "universal healthcare" and workers' compensation:

Feb 01, 2013
Medical care afforded by workers' compensation delivery systems will ultimately be merged into a universal national program, despite all the opposition along the way. My friend, and cycling inspiration, who keeps me trying to ...
Nov 09, 2012
Going forward it is imperative that a universal medical program be established to provide medical treatment for all work-related occupational injuries and exposures. The delay and denial of medical benefits to those who suffer ...
Jul 05, 2012
Those efforts demonstrate a commitment to bring the nation ever closer to a universal care medical program incorporating the entire patchwork of workers' compensation medical delivery systems. The US Supreme Court has ...
Mar 05, 2011
Vermont Universal Health Care to Embrace Workers Compensation. A two-stage bill in Vermont is geared to establishing a single-payer medical health care system that would include medical for workers' compensation ...