Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Protect American workers from exposure to silica on the job

At least 1.7 million construction workers could be protected from cancer-causing silica if an OSHA protection – stalled for two years – is put into action.

The Laborers International Union (LIUNA) has set up petition to the White House, urging the executive to move forward on the proposed OSHA rule to reduce silica exposures.  You can join the 2700 other people who have signed on here:

Sign the petition.

In the time it takes to create an account at the White House website – about three minutes – at least three more workers will have been exposed to silica. 

Sign the petition to tell the White House to protect construction workers by putting a plan into place. The deadline for signatures is February 11.

Share this petition with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, email and any other ways you can: http://wh.gov/E3Ta

Read more about silica

Jun 22, 2012
Because large quantities of silica sand are used during hydraulic fracturing, NIOSH began a cooperative effort in January 2010 to collect data regarding silica exposure at hydraulic fracturing operations. NIOSH worked in ...
Jan 03, 2010
"Crystalline silica is a significant component of the earth's crust, and many workers in a wide range of industries are exposed to it, usually in the form of respirable quartz or, less frequently, cristobalite. Chronic silicosis is a ...
Jan 21, 2010
Insofar as silica dust impairs cellular defense, silica-exposed workers (without silicosis) may be at increased risk for fungal infections, as they are for mycobacterial infections." Concurrent Silicosis and Pulmonary Mycosis at ...
May 24, 2012
While focus has been on environmental concerns with the advent of fracking, a process to release oil and gas, a new concern has emerged over the potential occupational exposure to silica by workers who are involved in the ...