Sunday, March 9, 2014

Workplace Accidents and Daylight Savings Time

While everyone may be waking up a little tired for work as the clock was moved forward last night by a hour to observe Daylight Savings Time (DST), the impact on work related accidents may be minor. 

A recent study in Finland concludes: "It seems that sleep deprivation after DST transition is not harmful enough to impact on occupational accident rates."

On the other hand  others report, "The real issue, however is not the later hours or extra sunlight. Studies have shown that changing the clocks is responsible for health problems (including increased heart attack and vehicular accident risks) and leads to hundreds of thousands of hours of lost productivity in workplaces across the country. Also: It's really annoying."

See also: A Whitehouse Petition to "Eliminate the bi-annual time change caused by Daylight Savings Time