Tuesday, April 2, 2013

An Emerging Health Consequence of Fracking: Silica Exposure

Sand produced while fracking is becoming a major health issue for energy workers throughout the country. The intransigency of the Obama Administration to promulgate regulations is further complication the situation and jeopardizing the workers' health.

Silicosis is one of the oldest recognized compensable workers' compensation occupational diseases. In fact, it pre-dated the and was the genesis for the expansion of many occupational statutes to reduce employers' liability under the civil justice system. The Industry effort was an attempt to reduce costly liability verdicts for exposing workers to the hazards of silica.

"Peg Seminario, director of safety and health with the AFL-CIO, a group of unions that has been pushing for stronger silica regulation, says the situation with fracking is a wake-up call.

"'Hopefully it will give some impetus for the need for the silica regulation — that there is a whole other population at risk and those numbers are potentially growing,' says Seminario."

Read more about "silica" and workers compensation:
Feb 05, 2013
The Laborers International Union (LIUNA) has set up petition to the White House, urging the executive to move forward on the proposed OSHA rule to reduce silica exposures. You can join the 2700 other people who have ...
Feb 10, 2013
A foundry worker, who was exposed to silica for over 35 years, was held by a NJ Workers' Compensation Judge, to have contracted a fatal lung cancer as a result of his employment. His spouse was awarded dependency ...
Feb 11, 2013
For about 100 years workers have been dying from exposure to silica on the job. Silica can cause both lung disease (silicosis) and cancer. The government have been talking about regulating exposures ever since the 1940s ...
Jun 22, 2012
Because large quantities of silica sand are used during hydraulic fracturing, NIOSH began a cooperative effort in January 2010 to collect data regarding silica exposure at hydraulic fracturing operations. NIOSH worked in ...