Thursday, April 11, 2013

Where Have All The Lawyers Gone?

No where is it more evident than in workers' compensation law, that the lawyers and their practices to assist injured workers, are disappearing. Workers are finding it difficult to obtain legal representation.

Many factors are causing this phenomenon. The principle reasons why the practice of

workers compensation law are shrinking are legal, social and economic.

Those factors include: a shrinking employment base, the loss of a manufacturing sector, and continued Industry "reform" efforts to bar injured workers from accessing the compensation system.

Additionally, as the practice of workplace law keeps drying up, disillusioned new lawyers are abandoning the practice of law at ever increasing numbers. Established law firms are consolidating and closing as second generation lawyers seek other types of work far from the practice of workplace law.

David B. Wilkins, who directs a program on the legal profession at Harvard Law School, said, "'In the 1970s, lawyers spent about half their time serving individuals and half on corporations. By the 1990s, it was two-thirds for corporations. So there has been a skewing toward urban business practice and neglect of many other legal needs.'”

Read the complete article: "No Lawyer for Miles, So One Rural State Offers Pay" 

Read more about "lawyers" and "workers' compensation"

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