Tuesday, June 11, 2013

When Things Are Wrong In The Hospital - CDC Sets Guidelines To Notify Patients/Families

Workers' Compensation covers medical conditions resulting from errors and mistakes in medical treatment. Patients and their families should recognizes these related medical conditions when notified properly by the medical facilitiy. 

CDC has recently released a new toolkit to assist health departments and healthcare
facilities with notifying patients after an infection control lapse or potential disease transmission during medical care. The toolkit includes the key steps a healthcare facility or public health department should take to initiate a patient notification. It also provides resources to assist with creating notification documents, planning media and communication strategies, developing communication resources, and releasing notification letters.

Today, on CDC’s Safe Healthcare blog, Abbigail Tumpey, Associate Director for Communication Science for healthcare safety issues at CDC, discusses the overwhelming mix of emotions that patients can feel when they are notified of an unsafe medical practice or error.  CDC’s toolkit aims to alleviate as much patient discomfort as possible by promoting best practices in communicating medical errors and unsafe practices.

CDC’s Patient Notification Toolkit is available on-line.

For over 4 decades the Law Offices of Jon L. Gelman  1.973.696.7900  jon@gelmans.com have been representing injured workers and their families who have suffered occupational accidents and illnesses.  Click here now to submit a case inquiry.

Read more about hospitals and workers' compensation:
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