Thursday, August 8, 2013

OSHA's Distracted Driving Initiative

Today's post was shared by US Dept. of Labor and comes from
Welcome to OSHA's Distracted Driving Page!
  • Check out the agency's new distracted driving business brochure on OSHA's publications page.
  • View winning student-produced public service announcement, "Texting and Driving," from Oregon OSHA co-sponsored video contest to promote young worker safety and health. Read news release [48 KB PDF, 2 pages].
OSHA partners in conference on distracted driving
OSHA Assistant Secretary David Michaels spoke at the Symposium on Prevention of Occupationally-Related Distracted Driving held April 18, 2011, in Laurel, Md. Distracted driving, including texting while driving and cell phone use, is a major cause of motor vehicle crashes. This symposium brought together a variety of stakeholders interested in reducing work-related driving distractions and generated recommendations for action, including new directions for research. The Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center for Occupational Safety and Health and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in partnership with OSHA, the Department of Transportation and the Johns Hopkins Center for Injury Research and Policy hosted the symposium which included presentations, interactive discussions, opportunities for networking and demonstrations of training materials.

U.S. Department of Labor
Assistant Secretary for
Occupational Safety and Health
Washington, D.C. 20210
October 4, 2010
Dear Employer:
Distracted driving has become an epidemic in the United States, and its often fatal...
[Click here to see the rest of this article]