Saturday, September 21, 2013

Workplace Stress, Depression, and the Overuse of Antidepressant Drugs in the Workplace

Today's post was shared by WCBlog and comes from

Medication side effects are the #4 leading cause of death in the U.S. annually (JAMA 1998). Yet, few people receive adequate information when medication is prescribed. This website is dedicated to providing information to help you and your doctor make informed, intelligent choices about medications and natural alternatives to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of treatment.
An Interview with Dr. Richard Lippin, an Expert on Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Dr. Cohen: Dr. Lippin, for many years you have been concerned about stress and depression in the workplace and the use of antidepressants medications.  Why?
Dr. Lippin: As an administrator and doctor in occupational health settings for over 30 years, I've seen many depressed workers.  This is a huge, growing, well-documented problem.  Of the 47 million Americans who suffer from depression, probably over 70% or about 33 million are part of the nation's workforce.  Depression costs employers $44 billion a year in lost productive time...
[Click here to see the rest of this post]