Thursday, October 17, 2013

Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization New Infographic: Irrefutable Facts About Asbestos

 Today's post was shared by Linda Reinstein and comes from

ADAO Infographic Irrefutable Facts About Asbestos
ADAO Infographic Irrefutable Facts About Asbestos
Posted on September 9, 2013
In 2011, ADAO launched our first infographic “Beware of the Silent Killer“, with the help of Piktochart we were able to create a compelling visual story. We were thrilled to take complex information about asbestos disease and transform it into a visual that everyone could understand. It’s 2013, and today we are launching our second infographic campaign: “Irrefutable Facts About Asbestos.” Please take a look and share this infographic with your social networks. Why do infographics work? Recently, Social Media Chimps gave six reasons:
What do you think? Do you remember the three irrefutable facts about asbestos? Of course you do. Mesothelioma Awareness Day is September 26. What better way to honor Mesothelioma Warriors than the share these asbestos facts?
To our Twitter followers we encourage you to share the Infographic and tweet out a fact.
FACT: #Asbestos is still legal and lethal in the US. #ADAO
FACT: #Asbestos is a known carcinogen. #ADAO
FACT: #Asbestos imports continue.  #ADAO
FACT: USA Hasn’t Banned #Asbestos #ADAO
FACT: 30 Americans die every day from #asbestos-caused diseases #ADAO
FACT: 10,000 Americans die from...
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