Friday, October 25, 2013

mHealth: A Potential Player for Workers' Compensation

Delivery of workers' compensation medical care is one of the most costly items on the landscape  of the social, remedial program. A recent article in the AMA Journal raises doubts that the delivery of medical care  utilizing electronic mobile technology will be an advantageous solution to spiraling costs.

"mHealth technologies have the potential to change every aspect of the health care environment and to do so while delivering better outcomes and substantially lowering costs. For consumers, mHealth offers the promise of improved convenience, more active engagement in their care, and greater personalization. For clinicians, mHealth could lead to reduced demands on their time and permit them to instead refocus on the art of medicine. Much remains to be done to drive this transformation. Most critically needed is real-world clinical trial evidence to provide a roadmap for implementation that confirms its benefits to consumers, clinicians, and payers alike."

Click here to read the entire article appearing in the AMA Journal