Workers have been exposed to toxic substances including mold following hurricane Sandy. The NJ Environmental Council is taking action to help. Today's post is shared from where the video can be seen.
Nearly a year after the superstorm hammered the state, many of the hazards Sandy left behind still remain, posing a serious threat to those rebuilding.
“Well I think the biggest thing is that folks don’t realize this isn’t over. The reality is, is that we’re still having problems throughout the state. We have black mold, we have debris removal being done,” said American Federation of Teachers New Jersey Vice President Joyce Sagi. That’s why the New Jersey Work Environment Council is offering free training classes targeted for workers, volunteers and homeowners. “The takeaway for all of this is that we want people to do the work that they’re doing with clean-up and removal and rebuilding, safely,” said New Jersey Work Environment Council Communications Coordinator Janice Selinger. A main focus of today’s class — mold, a fungus that only takes 72 hours to grow in damp places. “But it’s gonna keep growing cause the way it reproduces, it sends off spores which are microscopic particles and wherever they land, they can start a new colony,” said Industrial Hygiene Consultant for the New Jersey Work Environment Council Fran Gillmore. Only about 10 percent of the population is... |