Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hip Replacement Lawsuit: ASR Settlement ($2.5 Billion) Benefits Announced

The settlement terms of the ASR HIp Implant lawsuit have been announced:

The ASR Settlement provides for three basic areas of compensation. 

The first is a Base Payment to all ASR Claimants (XL and resurfacing) who have undergone a revision surgery, removing the 
acetabular cup, prior to August 31, 2013. 

The second is for Claimants who have undergone a revision surgery in both their left and right hips (Bilateral Claimants). 

The third addresses patients who have suffered a variety of medical complications following a revision surgery (Extraordinary Injury Fund).

 In addition, the Settlement provides for the resolution of healthcare insurance liens for 
medical costs that are directly associated with the revision surgery, at no additional cost to the 

Click here to read the complete press release issued by the Settlement Oversight Committee

Click here to read about the lawsuit.