Wednesday, November 27, 2013

SeaTac workers celebrate win on $15 minimum wage as opponents request recount

Today's post was shared by Steven Greenhouse and comes from

Supporters of SeaTac Prop 1 celebrate at rally photo
Supporters of SeaTac Prop 1 celebrate at rally

SEATAC, Wash. —

Workers in SeaTac celebrated a victory in the battle for a better paycheck, but a hand recount has been requested by opponents and several big companies say they'll keep up the fight to keep workers from making nearly six more dollars an hour.

The initiative to create a $15 an hour minimum wage in the City of SeaTac was certified by King County Election officials on Tuesday with a 77-vote lead. But the group opposing Proposition 1, Common Sense SeaTac, has requested a recount and is pursuing a lawsuit against the measure.

“When an election is this close, everyone should be assured the outcome is as certain as possible,” said Scott Ostrander, co-chair of Common Sense SeaTac.  “If there’s one thing we all learned from the 2004 recounts of the governor’s race, counting ballots has a margin of error like any other human endeavor.  And we learned, too, recounts can change the result.  So we are asking for a hand count of the ballots to get the most accurate possible count.”

Airport workers know the fight is far from over, but held a victory celebration at the airport Tuesday morning.

“It will allow me just to work one job spend more time at home with my wife, go back and be able to finish my education hopefully,” said Ahmed Jama. Jama said he works 16 hours a day holding down two jobs at the airport, but that neither pay more than $10.05 an hour.

If it...

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