Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 Asbestos Awareness Conference Honorees

Today's post was shared by Linda Reinstein and comes from

2014 ADAO Asbestos Awareness Conference Keynote Speakers
Saturday: TBA
Sunday: Susan Vento, Widow of the late Congressman Bruce Vento
Heather Von St. James, Mesothelioma Patient

2014 ADAO Asbestos Awareness Conference Honorees
Congressman Henry Waxman will be presented with the Tribute of Hope Award for his steadfast commitment to public health and safety.
Dr. Ken Takahashi will be recognized with the Dr. Irving Selikoff Lifetime Achievement Award in honor of his tireless dedication to increasing awareness about asbestos to eliminate diseases and his unending support of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization.
Dr. David Egilman will be recognized with the Dr. Irving Selikoff Lifetime Achievement Award in honor of his tireless dedication to increasing awareness about asbestos to eliminate diseases and his unending support of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization.
Congressman Bruce Vento will be honored posthumously with the Warren Zevon “Keep me in Your Heart” Memorial Tribute for his countless years of public service as a legislator and public servant.
Bill Ravanesi will be presented with the Tribute of Inspiration Award for...

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