Friday, December 13, 2013

International Conference on Monitoring and Surveillance of Asbestos-Related Diseases

Today's post was shared by Linda Reinstein and comes from

We are pleased to invite you to the International Helsinki Asbestos 2014 Conference held 11–13 February 2014, at Hanasaari Cultural Center in Finland. The goal of this Conference is to highlight problem areas in the management of surveillance of asbestos-exposed individuals, as well as to discuss sources of new exposures to asbestos.
The Twitter hashtag for the event is #asbestos2014 (for latest tweets related to the event scroll to the bottom of this page)

The asbestos epidemic is far from over. Asbestos-related diseases (ARDs) are still globally among the most serious and widespread occupational health hazards. The number of annual deaths due to past asbestos exposure exceeds 100 000. Although the use of asbestos has been banned in several countries, some workers continue to be exposed in asbestos removal work. Even more importantly, asbestos is still widely used in many countries around the world. The European Parliament, UN-organizations such as WHO, and many professional non-governmental organizations have emphasized the importance of elimination of asbestos exposure and related hazards.
The Conference will deal with the most recent research results and the current views of leading experts on asbestos exposure monitoring, diagnostics and early detection of ARDs. It will provide an excellent opportunity to obtain an overview of the current state of this major occupational health hazard.
We would like to invite all occupational health and safety experts and...
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