Saturday, December 28, 2013

N.Y. Workers’ Comp Board to Transition Established UEF Claims Management to Triad Group

The New York State Workers’ Compensation Board recently announced it will transition the management of established Uninsured Employers’ Fund (UEF) claims to the Triad Group, LLC effective Jan. 13, 2014.
Triad Group, based in Troy, N.Y., is a professional service organization providing comprehensive claims management.
These claims consist of established claims where liability has been determined, and medical, and/or indemnity payments must be made. Triad will perform all claim-related functions and legal representation. Claimants who have such UEF claims, and all parties of interest, including health care providers and legal representatives, will receive individual written notice of the change in claim administrator.
The Workers’ Compensation Board said the transition of claim management should have no impact on claimants receiving workers’ comp benefits. Claimants who are receiving biweekly indemnity benefits will continue receiving benefits on the same schedule currently in place.
For medical and transportation reimbursement requests after Jan. 13, 2014, Form C-257, Claimant’s Record of Medical and Travel Expenses and Request for Reimbursement, must be sent to Triad for processing with a copy to the Workers’ Compensation Board. For medical services provided on or after Jan. 13, 2014, in established cases only, health care providers should send new medical reports, bills and authorization requests to Triad, and a copy to the...

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