Sunday, July 6, 2014

12 states now have plans for a minimum wage of $9 or more

Map of minimum wage rates in the United States...
Map of minimum wage rates in the United States. See List of U.S. minimum wages. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Wages govern rates of workers' compensation. They define the premium cost as well as he benefit structure. Today's post was shared by Steven Greenhouse and comes from

Rhode Island on Thursday joined 11 other states that plan to raise their minimum wage to at least $9 over the next several years.

At the start of next year, the state minimum wage will rise a buck to $9 an hour, according to a new measure Gov. Lincoln Chafee (D) signed into law on Thursday.

Only three states currently have a minimum wage of at least $9. Washington’s is highest at $9.32, followed by Oregon’s minimum wage at $9.10. California’s rose to $9 earlier this week. When Rhode Island’s new rate goes into effect, it will be joined by three others: the minimum wage in Massachusetts will rise to $9, while that in Vermont and Connecticut will jump to $9.15. In all but three — Minnesota, Michigan and New York — the minimum wages will be above $10.

By 2018, 12 states will have reached or surpassed the $9 level. Ten states and D.C. have enacted increases this year alone, according to a list maintained by the National Conference of State Legislatures. The states are: Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Vermont and West Virginia. Many more — 34 states — have considered doing so, according to the NCSL.
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