Sunday, July 20, 2014

European Parliament pilot project on health and safety of older workers

European Parliament
Aged worker and OSH

The project, Safer and healthier work at any age – occupational safety and health (OSH) in the context of an ageing workforce aims to assess the prerequisites for OSH strategies and systems to take account of an ageing workforce and ensure better prevention for all throughout working life. The results will assist policy development and provide examples of successful and innovative practices. In doing so, the work aims to highlight what works well, what needs to be done or prioritised and to identify the main drivers and obstacles to effective implementation of policy initiatives in this area. The project builds on existing European work on sustainable work, for example, that of Eurofound.
The project is investigating:
  • OSH policies, strategies, programmes and actions in relation to older workers in EU member states and beyond 
  • policies, strategies and actions regarding employability and return-to-work in member states and beyond
  • case studies of support programmes and initiatives at the workplace
  • views of OSH stakeholders, employers, workers and worker representatives exploring their experiences, motivations, needs and challenges
  • tools and guidance to assist workplaces in managing OSH in relation to an ageing workforce
  • gender-related issues
An afternoon meeting to report on progress took place on 2nd of December 2013 in the European Parliament. A report of the meeting, including the presentations, is available here. A conference is planned...
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