Sunday, July 27, 2014

IRS prepping for Obamacare employer mandate in 2015

What will happen with the employer mandate? Will the consequences be that the workers' compensation carriers expand coverage to employer based policies that are cheaper than traditional workers' compenaation policies. Today's post is shared from
The Obama administration signaled Thursday it’s not backing down from the controversial health law employer mandate that has been delayed twice and is the centerpiece of the House’s lawsuit against the president.
The IRS posted drafts of the forms that employers will have to fill out to comply with the Obamacare requirement that employers provide health insurance to workers.
Some business groups said the information was still too tentative and too incomplete to let them prepare for new obligations under the health law. “Our immense frustrations with the IRS continue,” Christine Pollack, vice president of Government Affairs at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, said in a statement.
An administration official said the White House is sticking to the timeline announced earlier this year. Companies with 50 to 99 employees will have another year — until 2016 — to start the coverage. Companies with 100 or more employees do have to comply next year, although they have two years to phase up so that they are covering 95 percent of their workers. Smaller businesses are exempt.
The House Republicans are planning to sue President Barack Obama, saying he overstepped his authority in...
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