Monday, August 25, 2014

Restoring Faith

Today's post was shared by WorkCompCentral and comes from
That was just one work comp group and happened to be the most prolific. Plenty of other comments have been made in other venues.
I never in my wildest dreams would have imagined that my little, slightly sarcastic, muse on being both an employee and employer dealing with the same work injury and ultimately deciding that work comp was the worst of all worlds for dealing with it would create such interest, controversy, engagement and interaction.
But it did.
Some disputed that it could be labeled industrial since it was only a back sprain. Others said to stay out of the work comp system at all costs. And others simply demonstrated a lack of understanding of work comp, at least relative to California law.
No one, though, said that I should file a claim as an employee or report the claim as an employer.
Perhaps that's because everyone is a professional in the system, an insider, and everyone knows that once a claim comes into the system both the employer and the employee lose control to the gaming that every single vendor - insurance company, doctor, lawyer, etc. - will engage in to "do the right thing" according to their special interest.
Certainly there were more "claim denied" or "services denied" responses than I thought would occur.
Just like real life work comp.
The California Workers' Compensation Appeals Board on Thursday designated a case a "Significant Panel Opinion" because a carrier that had approved nurse case manager services prior...
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