Monday, September 8, 2014

Some Embattled Democrats Embracing Obamacare

Today's post was shared by Kaiser Health News and comes from

News outlets look at Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor's promotion of the health law in a campaign ad as a sign the law may be less radioactive. Meanwhile, Politico notes that 30 of the 34 House Democrats who voted against the law are no longer in office as the partisanship that it engendered grows.

The Associated Press: Democrats Reframe Debate On Health Care
One of the most vulnerable Senate Democrats is standing by his vote for President Barack Obama's health care law, a fresh sign that the unpopular mandate may be losing some of its political punch. In an ad released this week, two-term Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor says he voted for a law that prevents insurers from canceling policies if someone gets sick, as he did 18 years ago when he was diagnosed with cancer. That prohibition on ending policies is one of the more popular elements of the 4-year-old law that Pryor never mentions by its official name — the Affordable Care Act (Cassata, 8/22).

The Hill: Dems Find Obamacare Ammo
Vulnerable Democrats are finding ways to tout ObamaCare in an election cycle where the unpopular law was expected to be a liability for their party. The most overt emphasis on healthcare came this week, when Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) debuted an ad centered on his 1996 bout with cancer and his vote for the 2010 legislation, which protects people with pre-existing medical conditions from losing insurance coverage. "No one should be fighting an insurance company while you're fighting for your...

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