Saturday, June 17, 2017

Governor of Nevada Vetoes Single-Payer Legislation

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval has vetoed legislation that would have established a single-payer Assembly Bill 374 would have expanded a Medicare-type health care insurance plan. coverage to provide health care coverage to all Nevada residents.

Nevada Governor
Brian Sandoval

State sponsored plans are under consideration as the Republicans are attempting to repeal and replace the Federal Affordable Care Act (ACA). While the US House of Representatives has passed a replacement bill for ACA  the US Senate has not yet acted.

The patchwork of private workers' compensation insurance coverage throughout the United States has been challenged by delays in medical delivery, an onerous litigation process,  difficult CMS Medicare  Secondary Payer issues and soaring costs. Workers' Compensation could be subsumed into a state-based universal health care plan.

A California bill SB 562 has advanced. The proposed legislation would establish a single-payer system in California. It would establish a Medicare-for-all type coverage for all residents of California. Under the concept, a government plan would replace private insurance for payments to all physicians and hospitals.