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Thursday, October 5, 2017

Some Surprising 2016 SSA-DIB Statistics

Size and Scope of the Social Security Disability Program
  1. Disability benefits were paid to almost 10.2 million people. 
  2. Awards to disabled workers (706,448) accounted for 88 percent of awards to all disabled beneficiaries (799,330). 
  3. In December, payments to disabled beneficiaries totaled more than $11.3 billion. 
  4. Benefits were terminated for 820,372 disabled workers. 
  5. Supplemental Security Income payments were another source of income for about one out of six disabled beneficiaries. 
 Profile of Disabled-Worker Beneficiaries 
  1. Workers accounted for the largest share of disabled beneficiaries (87 percent). 
  2. The average age was 54. 
  3. Men represented less than 52 percent. 
  4. The largest category of diagnoses was diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (32.3 percent). 
  5. Average monthly benefit received was $1,171.15. 
  6. Supplemental Security Income payments were another source of income for about one out of eight. 

Since 1956, the Social Security program has provided cash bene ts to people with disabilities. This annual report provides program and demographic information about the people who receive those benefits. The basic topics covered are— beneficiaries in current-payment status;
  • workers’ compensation and public disability benefits; 
  • benefitts awarded, withheld, and terminated; 
  • disabled workers who have returned to work; 
  • outcomes of applications for disability bene ts; and 
  • disabled beneficiaries receiving Social Security, Supplemental Security Income, or both.