Saturday, November 16, 2019

Webinar: Expectations of Full Recovery Where Do We Place the Goalpost?

What exactly is "full recovery" from a workplace injury?
Click here to stream the replay online
  • How do we manage the expectations around a workers' compensation claim?
  • Is "full recovery" always realistic? 
  • Can a full recovery be something less than full function? 
This FREE webinar focused on the perceptions of all stakeholders participating in the workers' compensation system and offer insight on how to address and to navigate the process successfully.

Robert Wilson
President & CEO of, LLC
Bob Wilson is the CEO of, and author of the award winning blog, "From Bob's Cluttered Desk". Bob is an accomplished presenter for the workers' comp industry.

Hon. David Langham
Judge Langham is the Deputy Chief Judge of Compensation Claims for the Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims at the Division of Administrative Hearings. He has been involved in workers’ compensation for over 25 years as an attorney, an adjudicator, and administrator. He is a founding director of the National Association of Workers’ Compensation.

Desiree Render is Assistant Vice President, National Claims Technical Compliance for workers’ compensation at Sedgwick. In her current capacity, Desiree is one of several colleagues at Sedgwick responsible for ensuring Sedgwick’s workers’ compensation compliance nationally. Her duties include monitoring and analyzing changes in legislation, regulations, case law and industry standards as it relates to workers’ compensation and then collaborating to operationalize these changes

Jon Gelman has practiced in workers’ compensation in New Jersey since 1971, and is licensed in multiple other jurisdictions. He is the author of Workers' Compensation Law, New Jersey Practice (West-Thomson-Reuters) and a contributing author to Modern Workers Compensation (West-Thomson-Reuters). 

Les is an industry consultant in absence management and is currently also a medical director for a large private disability carrier. He has over 40 years’ experience in mental health, including 15 years in executive leadership positions in the group insurance industry. He is a licensed and board certified psychologist with expertise in mind-body health including disability medicine, chronic pain, and health behaviors.