Thursday, April 4, 2013

Bring a Gun to Work: Is That A Good Public Policy?

Workers' Compensation covers claims of violence in the workplace. Those claims may be escalating if the NRA (National Riffle Association) gets its way and its model legislation allowing employees to bring a gun to work, even if the employer has a policy to the contrary.

"The measures, backed by the National Rifle Association, would allow workers in Alabama,
President Obama visits with survivors of the
shooting in Aurora, Colorado. July 22, 2012
(White House Photo)
Tennessee, South Carolina and Pennsylvania to keep the weapons locked and hidden in their cars in employee parking areas. Seventeen states have approved similar measures since 2003, according to a tally by the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in San Francisco."

Read the complete article:  Guns-to-Work Laws Spread in U.S. as Business Fights NRA (Bloomberg)

Read more about "guns" and workplace issues:

Mar 14, 2013
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Feb 15, 2013
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Nov 29, 2012
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Feb 02, 2010
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