Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Who had the worst week in Washington? New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

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Last April NJ Gov Chris Christie said that he was going to announce a plan to reform NJ Workers' Compensation. He never did. Will that be part of his new potical agenda that keeps moving forward on a very bumpy road? It is apparent that he will need to grab a new issue but what will it be? Today's post was shared by Steven Greenhouse and comes from

Chris CillizzaChris Cillizza

There’s such a thing as acting presidential. And then there’s Chris Christie over the past week.
Christie (R) kicked things off with a public back-and-forth with Kaci Hickox, a nurse from Maine who was quarantined in New Jersey after spending time in West Africa treating patients with Ebola.
Christie insisted that it was an appropriate response because Hickox “was running a high fever and was symptomatic.” Hickox said she was flushed, but never febrile or sick. After Hickox tested negative for Ebola, she was released Monday and sent home to Maine. She threatened to sue over her weekend in quarantine, a move that prompted this gem from Christie: “Whatever. Get in line. I’ve been sued lots of times before.”
At an event in Belmar, N.J., marking two years since Hurricane Sandy pummeled the East Coast, Gov. Chris Christie (R) let loose on a protester heckling him from the crowd. (American Bridge 21st Century via YouTube)
He was just getting started. On Wednesday, Christie was in Belmar, N.J., to commemorate the two-year anniversary of Hurricane Sandy. His speech was interrupted by a man named Jim Keady, a former member of the Asbury Park City Council, who was urging Christie to get Sandy relief money to affected families faster.
It quickly became apparent that neither Christie nor Keady was going to back down. As Keady yelled without a microphone, the governor yelled with one. “Somebody like you doesn’t know a damn...
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