Friday, July 21, 2023

Medical Fees Increased and Expanded

 NJ Governor Murphy has signed legislation that establishes parity in workers’ compensation fees between evaluating physicians of claimants for a written opinion regarding the need for medical treatment or providing an estimation of permanent disability. 

The bill sets the maximum fees of evaluating physicians for claimants for the written reports at $1,000. The maximum fee of $1,000 represents an increase of $400 over the current maximum of $600, in the case of a claimant’s evaluating physician.

The bill provides that a psychologist, nurse practitioner, or licensed clinical social worker who provides psychological treatment may be paid a fee for a report or testimony concerning that provider’s course of treatment of the injured worker in that provider’s role as a provider of treatment as permitted by law. P.L. 2023, c.114 Approved and effective July 20, 2023.


Jon L. Gelman  |  Attorney at Law 

Wayne NJ 07470-2805 |

(973) 696-7900

Blog: Workers ' Compensation

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LinkedIn Group: Injured Workers Law & Advocacy Group

Author: "Workers' Compensation Law" West-Thomson-Reuters