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Showing posts with label Election 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election 2016. Show all posts

Friday, January 9, 2015

Florida medical marijuana and the 2016 Election Cycle

The medical marijuana initiative may have a major effect n the future of not only the nation'a presidential outcome but also of the fate of workers' compensation in the State of Florida. As goes Florida in the 2016 election cycle so probably will the nation, because of the mechanics of the National count of electoral college votes. 

The medical marijuana ballot question lost last off-year cycle because the liberal turnout was so low. The initiative could spur more voters to the poles and impact not only the Florida presidential count but also the local and state candidates. 

Ironically, a large voter turnout will result in the election of more liberals into office in Florida will ultimately liberalize the state leadership and its present negative thoughts on benefits. The upcoming election may ultimately impact the pending judicial cases involving the constitutionality of Florida's workers' compensation act.

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TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (Reuters) - The push to legalize medical marijuana in Florida continues with a two-pronged campaign, supporters said on Friday, sharing plans to mount another ballot drive in 2016 as a way to pressure state lawmakers to consider legislation permitting prescription pot.

A constitutional amendment to legalize medical marijuana in Florida last year fell just short of the 60 percent approval needed to pass in the state.

Morgan, who spent about $4 million on his United for Care campaign last year, said he has revised the ballot language to...
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Read more about medical marijuana and workers' compensation:

Workers' Compensation: Florida: Legalizing Marijuana Fails ...
Nov 05, 2014
Copyright. (c) 2014 Jon L Gelman, All Rights Reserved. Wednesday, November 5, 2014. Florida: Legalizing Marijuana Fails to Pass. Amendment 2. Amend Constitution to legalize medical marijuana? ANSWER, VOTES, PCT.

For Marijuana, a Second Wave of Votes to Legalize
Oct 29, 2014
As the libertarian movement in the Republican Party has gained force, with leaders like Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky, supporting decriminalization of marijuana and others going even further, an anchor of the ...

Workers' Compensation: Marijuana and Workers' Comp
Sep 08, 2014
There are some who believe medical marijuana and the workplace are a potent mix just waiting to be stirred as increasingly more states approve the herb and its derivatives for medicinal use. Not only are states approving the ...

Court Rules Workers Comp Must Cover Medical Marijuana
Sep 22, 2014
"Indeed, medical marijuana is a controlled substance and is a drug,” the court wrote. “Instead of a written order from a health care provider, it requires the functional equivalent of a prescription - certification to the program.