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Showing posts with label Law Firms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Law Firms. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Implementing AI for Workers’ Compensation Law Firms and Insurance Companies

Artificial intelligence [AI] opens new frontiers for workers’ compensation law firms and insurance companies. Last week, Google announced new applications that will vastly expand how workers’ compensation claims can be serviced, managed, and supported.

Friday, September 11, 2020

NJ Law Firm Names No Longer Need to Have the Name of a Practicing Lawyer

The Supreme Court has adopted amendments to Rule of Professional Conduct 7.5 (“Law Firm Names and Letterheads”) so as to remove the requirement that the law firm name include the name of a lawyer and describe the nature of the firm’s legal practice. The Court also adopted similar amendments to Court Rules 1:21-1A, 1:21-1B, and 1:21-1C, concerning law firms that practice in a corporate form such as a professional services corporation, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership. The amendments were adopted September 9, 2020 and were effective upon adoption.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Medicare Advantage Organization Allowed to Sue Law Firm and Lawyer Over Conditional Payments

A Federal Court has ruled that a Medicare Advantage Organization (MAO) is permitted under the law to sue a law firm and a lawyer for the failure to reimburse conditional medical expenses arising out of an accident. 

US District Court Judge, Henry E. Hudson, ruled that the Medicare Secondary Payer statute created a private cause of action to pursue recovery for conditional payments that it made on the beneficiary's behalf for medical expenses resulting from an automobile accident.

"Although not binding precedent, this Court finds persuasive the Third Circuit's determination that a MAO may pursue recovery pursuant to the private right of action in § 1395y(b)(3)(A). Section 1395y(b)(2)(A)'s plain language establishes a private right of action to recover double damages where a primary plan fails to pay. Absent from the plain language of the statute is any restriction upon who may utilize that private right of action."

Humana Insurance Co. v Paris Blank LLP, 197 F. Supp. 3d 676 (E.D. Virginia 2016)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Law Schools Should Establish Workers' Compensation Law Firms

Today the NY Times reports that law schools through the nation are opening law firms for recent graduates creating new post graduate job opportunities for debt ridden students and for additional training. The field of workers' compensation law is a fertile opportunity to benefit injured workers, new lawyers and academia.

Click here to read: To Place Graduates, Law Schools Are Opening Firms

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