Today's post comes from guest author Jay Causey from Causey Law Firm.

The Sequester has caused the San Francisco cancel all travel by ALJs until at least October, when a new fiscal year for OALJ may refresh its travel budget.The Sequester has caused the San Francisco office, which covers a larger geographical territory than any other, to cancel all travel by ALJs until at least October, when a new fiscal year for OALJ may refresh its travel budget. No further Calendars in outlying cities will be scheduled until at least October. In the meantime, the parties may agree to bring their witnesses to San Francisco for hearings (or agree to a telephonic hearing – rarely a good alternative), but both sides must to agree to the alternative process. The cost of bringing the claimant and expert witnesses to San Francisco, even if jointly agreed to, makes that a mostly unrealistic option.
The cancellation of travel for ALJs makes the system even more unfair to claimants.